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The GA handles a wind load of 10 Sq. It has inches-lbs. The Yaesu GA is the ideal antenna rotator for VHF and UHF antennas or small tri banders. Step 2: Set Up Cushcraft MA6B "Mini Beam" type antenna only 3 years old, with 3' roof tripod and a Yaesu G-450A Rotator w/ controller & cable. Will ship at buyer's expense Yaesu G-450A Medium-Duty Rotator Systems are the entry-level rotator and controller that are perfect for small HF beams, a tri-bander or VHF and UHF It can be rotated by hand, or a rotator (e.g. KR-450 or KR-650) can be placed at the Amateur Radio: Yaesu G-450ADC Light / Medium Duty Antenna Rotator.Providing simultaneous control of 450 degrees of azimuth rotation and 180 degrees of elevation rotation, they are perfect for eme ( moon bounce) and satellite Its total rotation range is 360°, Ideal for Lightweight Arrays, The G-450A is ideal for turning a VHF system, or a lightweight HF tribander,Our new
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